This is a bittersweet announcement for me, and one that I have been going back and forth on for months. However, after a pulled muscle in my shoulder, a SUV still full of stuff, and a very tired week, I have decided that my next craft show will be my last for a good long while, perhaps forever.
I love doing craft shows and the interaction with thousands of customers will be sorely missed. However, I feel like I am always struggling to find an appropriate place in craft shows. Most that happen upon my booth unexpectedly are surprised to see me there and generally need to contact me at a later date in order to measure, look more closely at fabrics and colors, and even to decide what their organizing needs are at home or in their office.
I have also found much difficulty applying to craft shows as the traditional categories for crafts just don't fit my products or techniques. I am often lumped in with mixed media artists or furniture makers ... neither of which fits very well. I just feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.
This decision is also driven by my online business. Actually this is the main factor of all. I am simply too busy online to prepare properly for craft shows. This is certainly a good problem to have, but it is a constant battle to get ready for shows without neglecting my online customers ... and switching back and forth is not as easy as it used to be.
My hope is that this decision will lead to a more balanced shop online. To fill up the sections that are always close to empty. To bring you new products that I would like to work on, and mostly to be a more rested and less hectic person for my customers and my family.
I am not saying that I will never do another craft show, but I am planning to at least take a good long break in 2013. I am also looking forward to being a shopper at craft shows! Something I haven't really been able to do in a good while!