So ... today I decided to set aside 10 minutes for organizing!
What in the world can you get organized in 10 minutes? Well, it took me a few minutes to figure that out too ... so then I only had 8 minutes!
1st thought - The kitchen junk drawer! We all have one ... a drawer where you put all of that stuff that you don't know where to put it!
Here it is before:
So ... Operation - take everything out and put it on the counter for sorting ... Not Pretty!!
I actually found that most of the stuff in here already had another home to live in!
(Probably doesn't surprise all of you professional organizers!!)
So, tools went to the tool box, office supplies to the desk, medical stuff to the medical box, and so on ....
I did decide to leave pens, pencils, and note pads in the drawer even though they could be thought of as office supplies, but this is really close to the phone where I need to jot down a quick note ... and I don't want those living on the counter!
Finished! Still had a minute to spare!
And the drawer opens now!!
Do you use at all? she has saved my life....i was doing so many things that my home and studio were just piled up with,well, piles! she is a huge believer in the 5, 7, 10 and 15 minute cleanups and declutterings and they really work! Have fun and congrats on the good business in your shop!
I need to check out Flylady a bit more ... I kinda got caught up in her shiny sink thing ... and I find it really hard to find her tips on the site ... maybe I am just not looking hard enough =(
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